Ressource pédagogique : Introduction to Data Assimilation for Scientists and Engineers

Data assimilation is the meeting point of physical modelling, uncertainty analysis and mathematical algorithm. Given measurements with error and considering that modelling cannot be exact, the purpose of data assimilation is to mix these different sources of information with the proper weighting. En...
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cours / présentation, exercice, liste de références - Date de création : 02-02-2013
Auteur(s) : Olivier Thual
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Présentation de: Introduction to Data Assimilation for Scientists and Engineers

Informations pratiques sur cette ressource

Type pédagogique : cours / présentation, exercice, liste de références
Durée d'apprentissage : 6 heures
Niveau : enseignement supérieur
Langue de l'apprenant : Anglais
Contenu : son, image, ressource interactive
Public(s) cible(s) : apprenant
Document : Document HTML
Droits : pas libre de droits, gratuit
Creative Commons Attribution - Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 3.0 non transposé (CC BY-SA)

Description de la ressource pédagogique

Description (résumé)

Data assimilation is the meeting point of physical modelling, uncertainty analysis and mathematical algorithm. Given measurements with error and considering that modelling cannot be exact, the purpose of data assimilation is to mix these different sources of information with the proper weighting. Engineer applications based on modelling are making a grow use of data assimilation techniques with the increase of quantitative informations on the physical system. The present course provides a basic introduction to data assimilation with the point of view of practical applications. It is organized with the following chapters: -From weather forecast to engineer applications: basic ideas on data assimilation are presented on several example, starting with weather forecast - Three simple examples of data assimilation: estimations of clock time, hydraulic jump velocity or tank filling parameters are used for hands on - Some classical data assimilation methods: opening towards real applications methods are hinted

  • Granularité : cours
  • Structure : linéaire

"Domaine(s)" et indice(s) Dewey

  • Optimisation mathématique (519.6)


Intervenants, édition et diffusion


Créateur(s) de la métadonnée : Olivier Thual
Validateur(s) de la métadonnée : Sylvain Duranton



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  • Olivier Thual
    Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse


INP Toulouse


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