Ressource pédagogique : Biological Networks Entropies: examples in neural, genetic and social networks

The networks used in biological applications at different scales (molecular, cellular and populational) are of different types, genetic, neuronal, and social, but they share the same dynamical concepts, the notion of intercation graph G(J) associated to their Jacobian matrix J, and also the concepts...
cours / présentation - Date de création : 24-05-2018
Auteur(s) : Jacques DEMONGEOT
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Présentation de: Biological Networks Entropies: examples in neural, genetic and social networks

Informations pratiques sur cette ressource

Type pédagogique : cours / présentation
Niveau : master, doctorat
Durée d'exécution : 1 heure 4 minutes 38 secondes
Contenu : image en mouvement
Document : video/mp4
Taille : 1.24 Go
Droits : libre de droits, gratuit
Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs.

Description de la ressource pédagogique

Description (résumé)

The networks used in biological applications at different scales (molecular, cellular and populational) are of different types, genetic, neuronal, and social, but they share the same dynamical concepts, the notion of intercation graph G(J) associated to their Jacobian matrix J, and also the concepts of frustrated nodes, positive or negative circuits of G(J), kinetic energy, entropy, attractors, structural stability, etc...are relevant and useful for studying the dynamics and the robustness of these systems. We will give some general results available for both continuous and discrete biologial networks and then, give some specific applications (a neural network involved in the memory evocation, a genetic network responsible of the Iron control and a social network accounting for the obesity spread in a high school environment).

"Domaine(s)" et indice(s) Dewey

  • Intelligence artificielle, réseaux neuronaux, automates cellulaires, vie artificielle (006.3)
  • biomathématiques (570.151)


Intervenants, édition et diffusion


Fournisseur(s) de contenus : INRIA (Institut national de recherche en informatique et automatique), CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique



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  • Jacques DEMONGEOT


INRIA (Institut national de recherche en informatique et automatique)


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