Ressource pédagogique : 1.2. Introduction II - Coding Theory
Présentation de: 1.2. Introduction II - Coding Theory
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Description (résumé)
In this session, we will give a brief introduction to Coding Theory. Claude Shannon's paper from 1948 entitled "A Mathematical Theory of Communication" gave birth to the disciplines of Information Theory and Coding Theory. The main goal of these disciplines is efficient transfer of reliable information. To be efficient, the transfer of information must not require a big amount of time and effort. To be reliable, the transmitted and received data must resemble. However, during the transmission over a noisy channel, the information will be damaged. So, it has become necessary to develop ways of detecting when an error has occurred and to correct it. For example, we may think of the transmission of satellite photos taken in space and sent back to the earth. So, here is an example of communication. We begin by selecting an alphabet. Then, every original message is presented, as a set of k-tuples of the chosen alphabet. We have k symbols of information and we add n - k redundant symbols to obtain a codeword of length n with n greater than k.
"Domaine(s)" et indice(s) Dewey
- Analyse numérique (518)
- Théorie de l'information (003.54)
- données dans les systèmes informatiques (005.7)
- cryptographie (652.8)
- Mathématiques (510)
Matthieu FINIASZ
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