Projet tuteuré : Analyse de risque quantitative pour les structures pétrolières
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  • Bibliographie


Bouyssy et Rackwitz 1994

Bouyssy V., Rackwitz R. (1994) Approximation of Non-normal Responses for Drag Dominated Offshore Structures. Reliability and Optimization of Structural Systems.proc. 6 th, IFIP WG 7.5, Chapman and Hall, pp. 161-168 .

Kroon 2004

Kroon, I.B. (2004) Comparative Risk Assessment for Decommissioning Decision Support. International Forum on Engineering Decision Making. First Forum December 5-9, 2004, Stoos, Switzerland.

Labeyrie et Schoefs 1996

Labeyrie, J., F. Schoefs. Matrix Response Surfaces For Describing Environmental Loads, vol II Safety and Reliability, Proc. of 15th O.M.A.E, Florence, 1996, pp. 119-126.

Madsen 1997

Madsen H.O. (1997) Stochastic modeling of fatigue crack growth and inspection. In Probabilistic Methods For Structural Design, collection Solid Mechanics and its applications, Guedes Soares (Ed), Kluwer academic publisher, pp. 59-83.

Moan et al. 1997

Moan T., Vårdal O.T., Hellevig N.C, Skjoldli. 1997. In-Service Observations of Cracks In North Sea Jackets. A Study on Initial Crack Depth and POD values. In Proceeding of 16th international conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, (O.M.A.E'97), Vol. II Safety and Reliability, New York ASME, editor, pp. 189-197.

Muzeau et al. 1993

Muzeau J.P., Lemaire M., Besse P. et Locci J.M. (1993) Evaluation of reliability in case of complex mechanical behaviour, 12th int. conf. on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, (O.M.A.E'93), Vol. II "Safety and Reliability", ASME 1993, pp. 47 - 56.

Rguig et Schoefs 2005

Rguig M. et Schoefs F. (2005) Modélisation par surface de réponse d'une structure fissurée : cas d'une plate-forme offshore, 17ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2005), Université de Technologie de Troyes, 29 août – 2 septembre 2005, 6 p.

Rguig M. 2005.

Rguig M. (2005) Méthodologie des surfaces de réponse pour l'analyse en fiabilité des plates-formes pétrolières offshore fissurées, mémoire de thèse de doctorat, Nantes, 172 p.

Rouhan et Schoefs 2003

Rouhan A., Schoefs F. (2003) Probabilistic modelling of inspection results for offshore structures, Structural Safety, vol 25, pp. 379-399, 20 pages, (Elsevier Ltd. 2003).

Schoefs 1996

Schoefs (1996) Response Surface Modelling of wave Loads in Structural Reliability Analysis, PhD Dissertation, 173 p., Nantes.

Schoefs et al. 2003

Schoefs F, Rguig M., Rouhan A. 2003. Reliability of jacket platforms submitted to through cracks. Bridges and special structures, Proceeding of 9th International conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, (I.C.A.S.P'03), july 6-9 2003, San Francisco, U.S.A, vol.2, ISBN 90 5966 005 4, (Millpress Rotterdam 2003), pp. 1703-1710.

Schoefs et al. 2004

Schoefs F, Rguig M., Le Van A. (2004). Fiabilité des structures tubulaires fissurées – transfert des non linéarités par surfaces de réponse. CINM'2004, Colloque International des Problèmes Non Linéaires en Mécanique, 24-26 mai 2004, Fès, Maroc.

Schoefs et al. 2005

Schoefs F., Rguig M. et Le Van A. (2005) Response surface methodology for evaluation of reliability for jacket platforms submitted to through cracks. Proc. of the Ninth International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, Track 3 «Offshore structures, wind, geotechnical 3», ICOSSAR'05, Millpress Science Publishers, Rome, Italy, June 19-23,2005, pp 1325-1332.

Schoefs et Clément 2004

Schoefs F., Clément A. (2004) Multiple inspection modelling for decision making and management of jacket offshore platforms: effects of False Alarms “. International Forum on Engineering Decision Making », december 5-9 2004, Stoos, Switzerland, 23 pages.

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